Thank You for Growing Teams

One of the most unique aspects of FIRST Tech Challenge is how much our teams are invested in the FIRST Tech Challenge Community. Not only do they display pride and passion at events, but also work extremely hard to showcase both an online presence and one in their community.

The amazing growth that FIRST Tech Challenge has experienced over the years is mainly due to the efforts of teams growing other teams. FIRST Tech Challenge participants understand the value of taking part in a team: the learning, the competition, and of course the sense of belonging. 

To help recognize the efforts our Teams are doing in the field, FIRST Tech Challenge has created virtual badges that can be utilized by Teams on their online applications (Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Has your team grown another team? 5 teams? 10 teams? Show off these accomplishments by downloading your badges on the Outreach & Marketing Resources list under "Website and Online Resources".

Keep up the incredible work!


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