2014-2015 FIRST Tech Challenge Game Manual Part I Released

The FIRST Tech Challenge Game Manual comes in two parts. Part I includes tournament information, awards, and robot rules. Part II covers the game and game rules.

Part I for the 2014-2015 season is now available. All Teams should review the manual carefully to ensure a successful season. Any questions that might arise should be posted on the FIRST Tech Challenge forum.

This year's Manual looks much like last years, but teams should do a thorough review of allowed parts, which change from year to year.

In addition, there are two significant changes in this year's manual:
  • The Control Award is now an official award and part of tournament advancement criteria
  • The Advancement Criteria has been modified

With less than two months to Kick-Off, we hope the Game Manual Part I has fueled your enthusiasm for the season ahead. Good luck Teams!


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